Pool Noodle
Level 1: Stand on a pool noodle with both feet in such a way that your forefeet are still on the ground and the middle parts of your feet are on the pool noodle. Then, walk on the pool noodle by alternately stepping down with your right and left foot. The more attention you have in the soles of your feet, the better the effect will be.
Do this a few minutes, as long as you are managing to be attentive and do it with fun.
Level 2: Now you will no longer tread on the pool noodle but will instead let your weight sink through one of your feet into the pool noodle. Take your time to do this.
Then change sides, and while you let your weight sink through the other foot into the pool noodle sense how the first foot and leg rise thanks to the elasticity of the pool noodle.
Keep doing this a few times, alternating sides.